Showing posts with label Christian music. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christian music. Show all posts

Sunday, April 29, 2018

The Church of Almighty God | Hymn "All the Peoples Praise Almighty God"

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All the Peoples Praise Almighty God | The Church of Almighty God

Almighty God, He is God incarnate. He issues truth, judging and cleansing all. Now God prevails over Satan's power. He conquers and gains a group of people. Praise wise and mighty God. Satan He's defeated. God's righteous disposition has been revealed. All come to praise Almighty God, the lovely, practical God. You are so humble and hidden. We praise You Almighty God! All come to praise Almighty God, the lovely, practical God. You are so humble and hidden. We praise You Almighty God!

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

The Church of Almighty God | A Hymn of God's Words "You Should Forsake All for the Truth"

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A Hymn of God's Words
You Should Forsake All for the Truth | Eastern Lightning

You must suffer hardship on your way to truth. You must give yourself over completely. Endure humiliation, embrace more suffering. Doing this to gain more of the truth. You must pursue all that is beautiful. You must seek all that is good, a path in life filled with meaning. Forsake all pleasures, forsake the flesh for the sake of truth.

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

"Offering a Sincere Heart Up to God" Christian Music Video | Eastern Lightning

"Offering a Sincere Heart Up to God" Christian Music Video | The Church of Almighty God

Almighty God, Eastern Lightning
Offering a True Heart up to Almighty God
    Hey, brothers and sisters, let’s sing and dance to praise God!

    Brothers and sisters, let’s swing into action; don’t be embarrassed or feel shy.
    God cares not if our movements are good or bad, only genuine praise makes Him happy.
    If you want to praise Him with all of your heart, set aside your pride and swing into action.