Showing posts with label Devotionals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Devotionals. Show all posts

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Does Belief Equal To True Faith in God? | The Church of Almighty God

Does Belief Equal To True Faith in God? | Eastern Lightning

Jiejing, United States
Mentioning my belief in God, it was really God’s arrangement, wise and wonderful. I came to America in June of 2013, then I found several jobs of looking after the aged, who were all believers in Jesus. Later, with some things to deal with, I went to a church, where the pastor prayed for me and taught me how to pray. Seeing these people believing in the Lord were quite kind and loving, I then had a thought of feeling like believing in Jesus. Nevertheless, owing to the obstacle between languages, I didn’t believe in the Lord formally all along.
