Showing posts with label God's praise. Show all posts
Showing posts with label God's praise. Show all posts

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Loving God and Living For God | Best Christian Music Video | "Our Life Is Not in Vain" (A Cappella) | The Church of Almighty God

Loving God and Living For God | "Our Life Is Not in Vain" (A Cappella) | Eastern Lightning

Almighty God, Eastern Lightning
Love Almighty God
Our life is not in vain. Our life is not in vain.

Today we meet with God, experience His work.
We’ve known God in flesh, practical and real.
We’ve seen His work, awesome and wondrous.
Each day of our life is not in vain.
We affirm Christ as the truth and life.

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Christian Video | "I Find the Right Path of Life" | Only the Honest Can Enter the Heavenly Kingdom | The Church of Almighty God

 "I Find the Right Path of Life" | Only the Honest Can Enter the Heavenly Kingdom | Eastern Lightning

Almighty God, Eastern Lightning
Almighty God Lead my Life
     Zhen Cheng was the owner of an appliance repair shop. He was kind, honest, and did business by the book. He would never try to pull the wool over someone's eyes, but he was only making enough money to barely support his family. After a time, a family member and a fellow tradesman urged him to practice the unwritten rules of business, and Zhen Cheng began to believe in sayings that represent a satanic philosophy such as: "A man without a second income will never get rich just like a horse starved of hay at night will never put on weight," "The bold die of gluttony; the timid die of starvation," "Money isn't everything, but without it, you can do nothing," and "Money is first."