Showing posts with label God-love-us. Show all posts
Showing posts with label God-love-us. Show all posts

Thursday, March 1, 2018

The Church of Almighty God | God Is the Power of My Life

God Is the Power of My Life
Xiaohe    Henan Province
The Church of Almighty God, Eastern lightning, the church
The picture of The Church of Almighty God

How time flies! Fourteen years have flashed by since I followed Almighty God. In these years, although I have undergone various trials and hardships and frustrations, with the company of God’s word and God’s love and mercy, I’ve been especially enriched in my heart. During these fourteen years, what was most deeply engraved on my heart was my being arrested in August, 2003. After I was arrested that time, I was cruelly tortured by the CCP police and was almost disabled. It was Almighty God who cared for and kept me and led me with his word of life time after time,

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

The Church of Almighty God | The Persecution and Tribulation Made Me Love God More

The Church of Almighty God, Eastern lightning, God salvation
The picture of The Church of Almighty God
The Persecution and Tribulation Made Me Love God More
Liu Zhen    Shandong Province

I’m Liu Zhen, aged 78 this year. I’m an ordinary Christian in the Church of Almighty God. Thank Almighty God for choosing me, a rural old woman looked down upon by the worldly people. Since I accepted the end-time work of Almighty God, I prayed and listened to the recital of God’s word every day and had meetings with the brothers and sisters. I felt very happy in my heart and lived in the happiness I had never had. As I was old and my legs were stiff, I couldn’t go out to have meetings. So the brothers and sisters came to my house to have meetings for my sake.