Showing posts with label Judged and chastised by Eastern Lightning. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Judged and chastised by Eastern Lightning. Show all posts

Monday, April 23, 2018

The Church of Almighty God | Judgment Is Light

Judgment Is Light

Zhao Xia Shandong Province
The church of Almighty God, Eastern Linghtning
The picture of The Church of Almighty God
My name is Zhao Xia. I was born to an ordinary family. Due to the influence of dictums like “A man leaves his name behind wherever he stays, just as a goose utters its cry wherever it flies,” and “As a tree lives for its bark, a man lives for his face,” reputation and face became particularly important to me. Everything I did was to earn other people’s praise, compliments, and admiration. After getting married, the goals I set for myself were: I will live a wealthier life than others;

Sunday, December 31, 2017

The Word the Holy Spirit Speaks to the Churches | Almighty God's Word "Have You Come Alive?"

The Word the Holy Spirit Speaks to the Churches | Almighty God's Word "Have You Come Alive?" | Eastern Lightning

Eastern Lightning
Lives to Almighty God
Almighty God says, "The living are saved by God, they have been judged and chastised by God, they are willing to devote themselves and are happy to lay down their lives to God, and they would gladly dedicate their whole lives to God. Only when the living bear testimony to God can Satan be shamed, only the living can spread the gospel work of God, only the living are after God’s heart, and only the living are real people."